The collection consists largely of Professor Reid's correspondence for the years 1954-1970 and also includes some subject files containing material dated 1951-1975. The subject folder: Intermediate water, 1958-1960 relates to Reid's study of the intermediate water of the North Pacific, based on data generated on NORPAC and other expeditions and consists mainly of Reid's outgoing correspondence. The papers include material documenting Oceanic observations of the Pacific, a series published by UC. The publication of the series was proposed by Roger Revelle in a Nov. 1951 meeting of the University Editorial Committee in order to publish physical and chemical oceanographic data. Vol. 1 included pre-1949 data generated mainly on SIO cruises. Vol 2 covered observations made in 1949. These papers include correspondence exchanged by Reid, Paul Horrer, Revelle, ZoBell, Fox, Robert S. Arthur, Norris W. Rakestraw and Warren Wooster. Reid was principally concerned with the publication of the NORPAC volume in the series: Oceanic Observations of the Pacific. Eastern Pacific Oceanic Council folders concern EPOC, est. in Nov. 1954, "to further oceanographic and biological investigations in the eastern Pacific for the benefit of the fisheries." The group assisted in the planning and execution of work at sea and exchanged information on research program results. These folders include EPOC minutes and correspondence.